The Rewards Of Shopping - Ayala Malls

Posted: June 4, 2008

Receive A Banana Republic Leather Card Holder.
With a minimum single-receipt purchase of php 5,000.00.

Valid in Glorietta and Greenbelt, from May 9 - June 30, 2008.

Valid on regular merchandise only. Good for cash and credit transactions.
Not valid with other promotions.

Per DTI NCR Permit No.A2-0336 Series of 2008.

Ayala Malls

A place that is inspired by you. By the things that make you smile. The activities that excite you. The food that delight you. And the moments you won't forget. That’s why Ayala Malls is more than just a mall. It is an amazing experience.Ayala Malls is a real-estate subsidiary of the Ayala Land, Inc. - read more about Ayala Malls

Tags: banana republic, card, rewards, shopping, promos, glorietta, greenbelt, cash, credit, leather card holder

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