The story revolves around sisters Ciara (Claudine Barretto) and Julia (Anne Curtis). Ciara is working abroad, in a rehabilitation facility in the United States as a physical therapist. Julia, on the other hand, is studying here in the Philippines. The free-spirited Julia met Storm (Richard Gutierrez), a freelance photographer in a bar. They got interested in each other and gets to know each other better. And when Julia acquired her student visa to study in the US, Storm, now her boyfriend, joins her even if he didn't know how he will make a living in the US. Because Julia is desperate for Storm to have an immigrant visa, she asked Storm to have an arranged marriage with her sister Ciara, who is already an American citizen. That is what happened and the three enjoyed their stay in the US. However, because Julia has to study, and Storm has to look for a job, they were separated. Storm spent most of his time with Ciara and a love affair sparked between the two of them. Will Ciara sacrifice for her younger sister? Will Julia ever forgive her sister and her boyfriend? And does Storm have a decision to make?
- Claudine Barretto - Ciara
- Richard Gutierrez - Storm
- Anne Curtis - Julia
- Joel Torre
- Maricar De Mesa
- Leandro Muñoz
- Rey 'PJ' Abellana
- C.J. Javarata