Nicolas Cage reprises his role as Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance. In this gritty new vision for the character, directed by Neveldine/Taylor (Crank), Johnny is still struggling with his curse as the devil's bounty hunter - but he may risk everything as he teams up with the leader of a group of rebel monks (Idris Elba) to save a young boy from the devil... and possibly rid himself of his curse forever.
- Nicolas Cage - Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider
- Violante Placido - Nadya
- Ciarán Hinds - Roarke
- Idris Elba - Moreau
- Johnny Whitworth - Ray Carrigan
- Fergus Riordan - Danny
- Spencer Wilding - Grannik
- Sorin Tofan - Kurdish
- Jacek Koman - Terrokov
- Anthony Head - Benedict
- Cristian Iacob - Vasil
- Christopher Lambert - Methodius
- Jai Stefan - Krakchev
- Vincent Regan - Toma Nikasevic