The MMFF action movie is based on the story of the notorious gang leader in Tondo named Nicasio “Asiong” Salonga, whose true-to-life accounts had been portrayed in several movie versions since 1961 (starring Joseph Estrada). It is also the the first Filipino major film produced in black-and-white in the 21st century as well as the returning action genre movie.
- Jorge Estregan - Asiong Salonga
- Carla Abellana
- Phillip Salvador - Sgt. Doming Salonga
- John Regala - Totoy Golem
- Baron Geisler - Erning Toothpick
- Yul Servo - Bimbo
- Dennis Padilla - Tambol
- Ketchup Eusebio - Kiko
- Ping Medina - Piring
- Gerald Ejercito ... Badong
- Amay Bisaya - Ayes Gago
- Archie Adamos
- Soliman Cruz
- Ronnie Lazaro - Zapanta
- Joko Diaz