During an ordinary day in Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh sets out to find some honey. Misinterpreting a note from Christopher Robin, Pooh convinces Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo, and Eeyore that their young friend has been captured by a creature named "Backson" and they set out to save him.
- John Cleese - Narrator (voice)
- Jim Cummings - Winnie the Pooh / Tigger (voice)
- Bud Luckey - Eeyore (voice)
- Craig Ferguson - Owl (voice)
- Jack Boulter - Christopher Robin (voice)
- Travis Oates - Piglet (voice)
- Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Kanga (voice)
- Wyatt Dean Hall - Roo (voice)
- Tom Kenny - Rabbit (voice)
- Huell Howser - Backson (voice)