Kung Hei Fat Choi!
MarQuee spreads good fortune in 2011
Know what's in store for you
in the year of the Metal Rabbit with Joy Lim.
February 6 . 4PM . Activity Center
Chinese Bazaar
January 29-February 11 . Level 1
Lion & Dragon Dance
February 3 . 3PM
Fireworks Display
February 3 . 7PM . MarQuee Park
Live Band at the Park
February 3 . 7PM . MarQuee Park
MarQuee Mall
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Greenbelt spreads good fortune in 2011
Know what's in store for you
in the year of the Metal Rabbit with Joy Lim.
February 1 . 4PM . Greenbelt 3 Lobby
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
TriNoma spreads good fortune in 2011
Know what's in store for you
in the year of the Metal Rabbit with Joy Lim.
February 3 . 4PM . Level 2 area near Rolex
Watch the Dragon Dance performance
as it brings good luck!
February 3 . 3PM . Activity Center
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Bonifacio High Street spreads good fortune in 2011
Watch the
Lion and Dragon Dance
performances as it
brings good luck!
February 3, 2011
5PM . 9PM
Activity Center
Bonifacio High Street
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Market!Market! spreads good fortune in 2011
Know what's in store for you
in the year of the Metal Rabbit with Joy Lim.
Get a chance to have a one-on-one consultation with the Feng Shui consultant.
February 4 . 4PM . New Wing, Ground Level
Watch the Dragon Dance Performance as it brings good luck!
February 2 . 1:30PM . Central Plaza
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Alabang Town Center spreads good fortune in 2011
Know what's in store for you
in the year of the Metal Rabbit with Joy Lim.
February 5 . 4PM . Activity Center
Chinese New Year Fireworks Display
February 5 . 7PM . Town Plaza
Alabang Town Center
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Ayala Center Cebu spreads good fortune in 2011
Spring Festival 2011:
Bridging Past & the Future
by Confucius Institute at the Ateneo de Manila University
An Exhibit of Chinese paintings and photos
February 3-9
Mall hours, Exhibit Area 1
Lion Dance
February 3-4
4-6PM, around the mall
Spring Film Festival
by Confucius Institute at the Ateneo de Manila University
A free screening of Mulan and Queen of Cooking
February 4-5
Onstage Cinema
Xin Nian:
Cebu Chinese New Year Festival 2011
by Cebu City Tourism Commission and HRRAC
Showcasing authentic Chinese delicacies, exotic street food
and a grand Chinese fashion show
February 5
6PM, The Terraces
Feng Shui Symposium
featuring Ms. Joy Lim
A life-transforming afternoon with the most popular
and sought after Feng Shui consultant in the country
February 8
4PM, Activity Center
Ayala Center Cebu